Visit the Seguin Guadalupe Library

A library is an element of civilization because it is an entryway to knowledge and culture. Learning opportunities are available, literacy and education are encouraged, and fresh viewpoints and ideas are developed, essential to an innovative and creative society. They also aid in preserving an accurate record of the information developed and gathered by earlier generations. Without libraries, promoting human knowledge and research and safeguarding accumulated knowledge and cultural heritage for future generations would be challenging.

This article will discuss the brief history, events, and how to get a library card in Seguin Public Library.

Seguin Public Library

Located on West Nolte Street alongside Walnut Creek and the City’s hike and bike trail, the 43,000 square foot, two-story Seguin Public Library is a state-of-the-art building. Two thousand thirteen elections resulted in voter approval of a $14.8 million bond for the library. The floorplan was prepared by 720 Design and PGAL, with Byrne Construction Services managing the project.

The LibraryLibrary earned a GOLD CERTIFICATION for LEED for New Construction by completing sustainable initiatives worth 60 points. The United States established the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system. Council for green buildings (USGBC). By completing the following sustainable initiatives, the Seguin Public Library was given Gold Certification:

  • Site development
  • Native plant restoration
  • Water use reduction
  • Energy cost savings
  • Use of materials made from recycled materials
  • Daylighting and views of the outside in frequently used spaces

According to lead architect Maureen Arndt, the two-story building was intended to simulate being under the pecan tree canopies covering much of the 3.9-acre Walnut Branch property.

Inside the library, some trees they cut down were used as tables, benches, paneling, and stools. Paneling in the inside ceiling, lighting is adorned with silhouettes of the above branches obtained from pictures of the real trees on the property.

Customers can see the outside approximately 40% of the building’s outside, which is made of glass, and Arndt added that it would also fill the interior with natural light.

A brief history of Seguin Public Library

Seguin has long placed a high value on its LibraryLibrary. The Municipal Building in North Camp served as the site of the first Seguin Library. Mayor Max Starcke authorized the installation of a second-hand china cabinet bookshelf with glass doors “in a city office for a lending library” in 1930, during the Great Depression. A “traveling library” made up of books from the Texas State Library was housed on the bookshelf in addition to the donation of books gathered by town residents.

The approximately 25 volumes that made up the portable LibraryLibrary were borrowed for two to three weeks. The books were bundled and sent back to Austin after the conclusion of the loan term, and the second shipment of 25 books was delivered to Seguin. After a few months, the china closet was removed, and shelves were constructed to hold the numerous donated books.

Mayor Max Starcke proposed that the “office force function as librarians” for the City. Later, the room requested to be set aside by Mayor Max Starcke was made as the new Municipal Building was being constructed. The original LibraryLibrary in the neighborhood had facilities that were as basic as Seguin’s beginnings. “The chamber was in the Municipal Building and was 14 1/2 by 21 feet.” Mrs. Agnes Koch was employed as a librarian using funding provided by the W.P.A. Mrs. Koch worked part-time, keeping the LibraryLibrary open from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday.

The collection had 3,079 volumes in it in 1954. At least 98% of the items in the collection were gifts from private people and women’s study groups. A Friends of the Library group was established on March 1, 1957, in the evening. The group would act as a catalyst to further the welfare and interest of the LibraryLibrary. A contract was granted in 1964 to build the Seguin-Guadalupe County Library on the Bauer property donation. There were about 3,500 volumes on the shelf in January 1965, none of which had been cataloged.

The LibraryLibrary would need to be extended by 20 years. Fall 1985 saw the start of the construction and remodeling, which was finished in July 1986. The LibraryLibrary has grown to a 15,000-square-foot space. Seguin voters adopted Proposition #1 in the City of Seguin Bond Elections on November 5, 2013. The proposal proposed issuing bonds totaling $14.8 million to pay for the expected costs of land, building materials, collection items, furniture and signs, technology, and computers for a new library. On April 23, 2015, the ceremonial groundbreaking took place. On September 8, 2016, the new LibraryLibrary became operational.

How to get a library card?

When you apply for a library card, you must:

  • A current photo identity, such as a passport, military I.D., or driver’s license issued by the state, is a must.
  • Documents that serve as evidence of residences, such as voter registration cards, utility bills, motor insurance certificates, or mail that is addressed to the applicant and has a postmark from within the previous six months. A physical address must be supplied, not a post office box. 
  • A finished application. Find the form here.
  • With the parent or guardian’s signature, applicants under 16 can get a library card.
  • Proof of residency and a photo I.D. from the parent or guardian is necessary.
  • A Seguin Public Library card is available to non-residents of Guadalupe County for a $25 annual out-of-county privilege charge.


To apply for an e-card, you must be a Guadalupe County or Seguin resident. By completing the online application and emailing it to [email protected], you can request an e-Card. Access to our electronic resources is only possible with e-Cards. During regular business hours, patrons who do not already have an account with the Seguin Public Library can apply for e-Cards. Please apply for a library card at any of our service desks for full access to the library.

Monthly Events Calendar

The image below is the August 2022 monthly calendar event of Seguin Public Library. It keeps updated for daily events, so visit the website directly for an update.

Library Hours of Operation


A library is one of the few locations in the world where even the least fortunate individuals have a chance to get better. There are numerous things you may do there. People can learn about depression, alcoholism, personal finance, how to get a job, and home maintenance. It would be best if you still put in a lot of effort, which isn’t easy. It would help if you practice speaking and writing English for a long time. The library has a lot of resources for everyone, including various newspapers and employment news, books for studying, and various other materials. The library opens its doors to everyone, regardless of age. Public libraries provide free education and entertainment to the general public. No matter your financial situation, you can walk in and have free access to literature that will educate and change you.

We hope you find this useful when you visit the Seguin Public Library. If you have any suggestions, feel free to reach us!

Picture of Leon


Leon Hitchens is a Seguin resident since 2021. He love the small town vibe with the closeness to i10. Leon is a digital marketer who's helping businesses in Seguin reach audiences online. He's passionate about the community.